RA-Healthcare Medication Cures

RA Most Powerful Eyes Discovery Medication

“You may want to sit down. I’m afraid I have some bad news”, said the doctor.

“12 months ago you were able to read the fourth row. Now, you can’t even make out the top letter.

I gripped my wife’s hand in mine, as he brought up the results of Lindsay’s retinal scan on his computer.

“I’m terribly sorry Mrs. Campbell”, he said, “but it seems that you have severe macular degeneration in both eyes… and it’s the most aggressive I’ve ever seen”

“How long do I have?” my wife asked…

“Well, if I’m being brutally honest”, said Dr. Shah, showing no sign of emotion, “looking at these scans, I’d be amazed if you’re not completely blind within the next 6 months”…

“6 months?!” I screamed.

Lindsay’s face dropped and she went deathly white.

Neither of us could believe what we were hearing.

A few minutes earlier my wife had walked into the clinic expecting, as usual, to get nothing more than a higher prescription.

But instead, in the space of a few short months, she was now facing the prospect of living the rest of her life in complete darkness.

The light literally extinguished from her life – forever.

Thoughts raced through her mind, as she imagined the bleakest of futures.

No longer being able to see the smiles on her children’s faces … the beautiful color of their eyes…

Or enjoy the sight of them growing up and becoming adults…

And then there were the simple things like reading a book…

Watching her favorite TV shows…

Driving a car…

Or even seeing her own face in the mirror…

Her entire world was about to be plunged into endless darkness.

As the realization set in, Lindsay looked at me, and broke down in tears.

I felt ashamed that I hadn’t done something earlier when I knew that her sight was failing her.

Angry because I believed the optometrists and eye care ‘experts’ who kept telling us that everything was fine, and all she needed was stronger glasses.

All I wanted to do was find a way out. But I couldn’t. I was helpless.

In a few months, my wife would be blind – and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

So why am I sharing this story with you today?

Well, because receiving this devastating news marked the beginning of a life-changing journey…

… A journey that would uncover the REAL CAUSE of vision loss, hidden from you your entire life by a corrupt and dishonest optometry industry whose entire business model relies on your eyes continually getting worse…

… Despite what you’ve been told, your deteriorating vision has NOTHING to do with computer use, close reading, genetics, or even the aging process…

Pumpkin But instead, is all down to TWO LITTLE-KNOWN NUTRIENTS produced by your own body, which are being ruthlessly ‘killed off’ in every visually impaired person on Earth.

And by using a simple 2 minute ‘trick’ known only to THIS small Aboriginal Army unit stationed deep in the Australian outback, you can REVERSE this process completely…

… A discovery that not only saved my wife from certain blindness, but restored her eyesight to near 20/20 perfection in less than 3 weeks, enabling her to enjoy a level of clarity and sharpness she hasn’t experienced since she was a child.

And best of all, she was able to do it 100% naturally, simply and easily, using inexpensive ingredients picked up at our local grocery store!

Backed by countless peer-reviewed medical studies from around the world, the clinically proven and highly controversial vision restoring secret I’m about to reveal has been shown to repair and regenerate dying cells in the retina and macula…

… And in doing so, reverse the world’s most common causes of vision loss and blindness, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, astigmatism, corneal visual impairment, diabetic retinopathy, and even near and far-sightedness…

In fact, this pioneering natural treatment has now been used by 51,297 people and counting, with remarkable success stories being reported every day…

And the best part is, it will work for you whether you’re male or female…

Nine or 90 years old…


Have been experiencing vision loss for 60 minutes or 60 years…

Have minor visual impairment, or can barely see a thing…

In fact, whatever your current situation, by the end of this presentation you’re going to know exactly what you need to do to reverse years of deteriorating vision, and start seeing everything the world has to offer in all its crystal clear, unobstructed glory, once again.

But before I reveal anymore, it’s absolutely crucial that you keep watching until the very end, while you still have the chance, because I honestly don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to keep this presentation online.

The 36 billion dollar eye care industry is trying every trick in the book to shut me down and keep you in the dark, because what I’m about to reveal is set to destroy their corrupt and dishonest business model overnight.

So listen up, because time is running out.

If you’ve noticed that your eyesight keeps getting worse, and don’t know why…

If you’re concerned about whether the deterioration will ever stop, and would like to put the brakes on before you lose your eyesight completely, and become a burden to your family…

If you ever get embarrassed or frustrated at your inability to read or see things properly…

If you like the idea of saving thousands of dollars on future eye care costs…

If you’re experiencing blurry vision, blind spots, ‘floaters’, specks, or any kind of issue with your vision that simply shouldn’t be there…

And if you want a scientifically proven way to correct your failing eyesight and achieve perfect 20/20 vision in as little as 3 weeks…

… Then stay right where you are for just a couple more minutes, and listen to every single word of this presentation, because I promise you – you can restore your eyesight with nothing more than this delicious green smoothie.

Yep, it really is that easy.

Just Do It

In the next few minutes, I’m not only going to reveal the simple outback-inspired ingredients that go into this smoothie, but the amazing story of how I came to stumble upon them – a discovery, which as I speak, has already transformed the vision, and lives, of tens of thousands of people across the world.

But of course, I don’t want you to simply take my word for it.

Instead, take a look at what Kari had to say, after implementing this secret…

Ok, in just a few minutes from now, I’m going to reveal the real, hidden cause of your vision loss, and show you the scientific evidence that proves, beyond all doubt, that any deterioration in your vision can not only be stopped, but actually reversed – simply by adding a simple smoothie to your daily meal plan.

But before I get to that, let me introduce myself properly.

Hi, my name is Bill Campbell.

I’m 52 years old, and I’m a retired Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps.

I’ve spent my entire adult life in battle, and my experience of combat is good news for you.

Because although you don’t know it, your entire life has been spent waging war against a hidden enemy that’s been destroying your vision from the inside out – and you’re still losing.

Fortunately for you, a bizarre chain of events handed me the weapon I needed to defeat this invisible vision killer for good, and save my wife’s sight.

And it will do the same for you too.

So how did I do it?

Well, let me tell you a story – which begins almost 2 years ago.

Back then, what I knew about eye health, you could pretty much fit on a postage stamp.

After all, I’ve never needed glasses myself… but my wife has.

She’s worn glasses and contact lenses for years, and despite the fact that her vision kept getting worse, she wasn’t worried.

Until one sunny day in June when everything changed.


It was the evening of our youngest daughter Jasmine’s ballet recital, and Lindsay had been looking forward to it for weeks.

She’d been complaining about seeing black spots, or “floaters” in her eye for a while, but she’d just put it down to stress, as we were in the middle of moving house – and there was no way she was going to miss the recital.

That evening, we sat in our seats ready to watch our daughter dance as Clara, one of the main roles in The Nutcracker.

Lindsay seemed to be constantly rubbing her eyes as Jasmine hopped onto the stage, but I thought nothing of it.

Our daughter was so graceful and beautiful, and I couldn’t have felt any more pride in our little girl.

  • I turned to my wife.
  • “She’s amazing” I said, with a huge beaming smile.
  • But Lindsay wasn’t smiling.
  • In fact, she looked terrified.
  • “What’s wrong?” I asked.
  • “I can’t see her Bill, she said, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Lindsay was distraught. She could barely see a thing.

Apparently, her central vision was being covered by a huge black, blurry cloud – which was blocking everything from view – including our daughter.

The next day, we booked her in for an emergency appointment at the optometrists, who gave us the devastating news.

My wife was going blind.

As it turned out, she was suffering from severe Macular Degeneration.

Unsure exactly what it was, the doctor explained to us that the macula is the small area at the center of the retina.


It’s also the part of the eye that controls central vision, so if the macula deteriorates, you literally can’t see anything in front of you, which means you can’t read, watch TV, drive a car, recognize your loved ones faces, or do pretty much anything at all.

In Lindsay’s case, the macula in both of her eyes was deteriorating fast. The cells were literally dying, and in the doctor’s own words, it was the most aggressive case she’d ever seen.

And if you think this won’t happen to you, think again.

According to a study carried out by the Wilmer Eye Institute, the number of blind people in the US alone is projected to increase by a massive 70% by 2020, with a similar rise projected for low vision.

And the reason for this sudden increase is down to a shocking new discovery into the real cause of vision loss, which I’ll be revealing in just a moment…

So, with my wife running out of time, and unable to do much for herself, I immediately began looking into what we could do to reverse her vision loss, or at least put the brakes on.

Eventually, an old friend put me in touch with an ophthalmologist, which is a medical doctor specializing in the anatomy and physiology of the eye.

And that’s when I discovered another startling truth.

‘Peter’ as I’ll call him – because he asked to remain anonymous – had a real dislike of the optometry industry.

And it was because, in his own words, the whole industry was “a giant and deliberate fraud”, which makes billions every year not by helping to improve your vision, but by actively making it WORSE!

As Peter explained, from the moment you notice a problem with your vision, you’re encouraged to see an optometrist – who then recommends that you start wearing glasses to “correct” your vision.

Sounds familiar, right?


But the big problem here is that from this moment on, your vision is destined to only get WORSE, not better – because your eyes become trapped in a vicious cycle of dependency that you can never escape from.

After all, when was the last time you went for an eye test and your optometrist lowered your prescription?

It’s never happened, right?

Because your eyes will only ever get weaker and less effective by wearing corrective lenses, like glasses or contacts.

Think about it…

What happens when you break your leg and use crutches? The muscles in your legs waste away, because you’re not using them, right?

Well, the eyes are exactly the same.

Corrective lenses are not a solution. They’re just a crutch.

All they do is treat the symptoms.

They NEVER attempt to get to the root cause of the problem in order to actually make your eyesight better – because that would destroy their business model!

But despite this immoral practice, corrective lenses are by no means the main cause of your vision loss – not by a long shot, in fact.

Eye Sight In just a second, I’m going to reveal the #1 culprit, and a simple way to restore your vision to 20/20 clarity in as little as 21 days.

But before I reveal anymore, I want to quickly return to Lindsay’s story, and you’ll understand why in just a moment.

You see, after speaking to Peter, it was now clear to me that glasses or contact lenses weren’t the solution – and never were.

Plus, with Lindsay’s vision so far gone, they were no longer an option anyway.

We needed something more radical.

And that’s when I started looking into the surgical option – or LASIK.

I’d always thought surgery was a proven and ‘safe’ option, but after delving into it, I discovered that it’s anything but.

According to the latest figures, one in 20 people suffer complications from corrective surgery, ranging from halos and starbursts around lights at night, painful and itchy dry eye, and blurred or distorted vision, to a detached retina, optic-nerve damage, and corneal ‘buckling’, which can lead to blindness.

In fact, in a massive 40% of cases, people are left with a steadily weakening cornea.

Hundreds of thousands of people have reported complications from this surgery, and many lives have been ruined, with at least seven Americans known to have committed suicide because of surgical procedures gone horribly wrong.

After researching all the different types of eye surgery, there was absolutely no way I was going to let my wife anywhere near a laser if I could help it.

This was definitely a last resort, and at around $5,000 – we could barely afford it anyway.

There had to be a better way.

And that’s when I started to read about eye exercises.

But within minutes, it became clear to me that products pushing silly little exercises would have no effect on my wife’s condition, which was macular degeneration.

And it was obvious that they wouldn’t help any other type of vision loss either.

In fact, more and more research shows that eye exercises not only fail to improve vision, but actually make it worse, because they increase eye strain – one of the main things you need to avoid!

By now, a few days had gone by and I was no nearer to finding a solution.

And Lindsay was seriously struggling to see.

She hated the fact that she was losing her independence, and was scared about the future.

She was terrified about the prospect of not being able to see our children, or even see her own face in the mirror.

She talked about moving into an assisted living care home because she didn’t want to be a burden to me or the kids.

As the days and weeks wore on, Lindsay became more and more depressed.

Sad Woman

And that’s when I discovered something that chilled me to the bone…

I’m embarrassed to share this with you, but I feel I have to…

Using Lindsay’s laptop one night, I stumbled on some of her Google searches.

  • “Best ways to kill yourself”, said one query.
  • “Painless suicide” said another.
  • I had no idea Lindsay was feeling that low, and my eyes filled up with tears.
  • I was desperate to help her, but didn’t know how.
  • The future looked bleak…

But that very night, I received a phone call that would change everything – not that I knew it at the time.

I’ve always believed in God, and prayed to him practically every night for weeks, asking him to help Lindsay.

And I firmly believe that what happened next is proof that he was listening.

The call came from my Staff Sergeant, who told me that I was to join a team of US Marines on a joint training exercise in the Australian Outback.

It was designed to improve surveillance techniques, and we were to work alongside Australia’s North West Mobile Force, otherwise known as the NORFORCE Unit, a specialist surveillance team made up of Aboriginal reservists who patrol the Outback in search of drug smugglers, human traffickers, asylum seekers and illegal foreign fishing vessels.

With Lindsay’s condition, the timing couldn’t have been worse – or so I thought.

But unable to do anything about it, I set off for Australia, leaving-my-mother in law and brother in charge of Lindsay’s safety.

I hated leaving her – but as it turned out, the NORFORCE Unit would provide the answer to my prayers – and in the strangest of ways.

You see, on the third day of the training exercise, nine Marines, including myself, were teamed with an Aboriginal soldier called Bunji.

We were in camouflage and Bunji was teaching us some old Aboriginal surveillance techniques, when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.

“See that?” he said, looking towards the water.

“See what?” I said.

None of us could see a thing.

“It’s a vessel”, he replied.

I grabbed my binoculars and peered through.

And there it was.

A small boat way off in the distance.

I could barely see it even with binoculars in front of my eyes, and I couldn’t understand how the heck Bunji had seen it.

It was like spotting a grain of rice in the middle of a farmer’s field.

He radioed his unit and within minutes, a 12 man team of NORFORCE soldiers were on the beach ready to intercept the vessel as it came to shore.

The soldiers detained the 4 men on board, and hidden beneath the seats was 2,000 pounds of cocaine worth an estimated 14 million dollars.

It was the biggest drug bust ever recorded by the NORFORCE Unit, and I was there to see it with my own eyes.

But of course, I didn’t care about the drugs.

All I cared about was how Bunji had seen the vessel from so far away, when not a single US marine could – even though all of us had 20/20 vision ourselves.

And that’s when I got the breakthrough I’d been praying for.

After quizzing Bunji about it, I discovered to my amazement that the eyesight of Aboriginal people in outback Australia is up to FOUR TIMES better than ours.

And this ability has become known as “super sight”.

According to Professor Hugh Taylor from the University of Melbourne’s Indigenous Eye Health unit, who pioneered studies into ‘super sight’, “the vision of the Aboriginal people is better than anybody else in the world”.

The question was, why?


I was desperate to know if it was genetic, or something else.

So that night, I took Bunji to one side and told him all about my wife’s condition, her suicidal thoughts, and that she didn’t have long until she lost her sight completely.

“If you know anything that can help her, please tell me”, I pleaded.

Bunji smiled, patted me on the shoulder, and told me to wait where I was.

A few minutes later, he returned with a notepad and pencil, and began to scribble down what looked like a recipe, complete with a list of strange foods, most of which I’d never even heard of.

“What’s this?” I asked him, looking down the list.

“The secret you’ve been searching for” he said, with a glint in his eye.

“Our super sight is all down to the land we live on”, he continued, mysteriously.

“This recipe has been in my family for generations”, he said. “Eat these foods and your wife will recover.”

With that, Bunji stood up, gave me a knowing smile, and rejoined his unit. I never saw him again.

The minute I returned home to the US, I began researching the ingredients in Bunji’s recipe.

The first one was something called Warigal spinach.

“What the heck was that?” I thought.

But according to countless studies, any type of spinach, including the Warigal variety that Aborigines are brought up on, contains two very special nutrients that have been clinically proven to produce dramatic and long-lasting improvements in eye health, reduce the risk of vision loss, and even reverse it completely.

Those two nutrients are called lutein and zeaxanthin, and they can be found in spinach, kale, eggs, and a variety of other foods.

I’d never heard of these nutrients in my life, so I looked into them some more.

And what I found was shocking.


There were trials upon trials, including The Age Related Eye Disease Study, or AREDS, the gold standard study into vision loss carried out by the National Eye Institute, which proved beyond any doubt that lutein and zeaxanthin are absolutely ESSENTIAL to vision.

In fact, they’re the two most important nutrients to eat because they’re EXACTLY what our eyes need to ward off vision problems like macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, and even near and far-sightedness.

The AREDS study found that people diagnozed with early AMD who ate these two nutrients were 25-30% less likely to go on to develop advanced AMD, while they also reduced their risk of developing central vision loss by 19%.

Another study of the elderly Finish population published in the British Journal of Nutrition reported that “high plasma concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin reduced the risk of age-related cataracts by a massive 41%.”

And that’s great news, considering age-related cataracts are one of the leading causes of visual impairment in the United States, with the number of Americans likely to be effected set to increase to an estimated 30 million by 2020.

So how do these nutrients work?

Well, this is where things get really interesting…

Breakthrough studies into vision loss, including those carried out at the University of Kentucky, and the University of Florida, have finally uncovered the real cause of vision loss – and it’s not what you think.

Apparently, from the day you are born, the retina and macula in your eyes are under constant attack from harmful blue and ultraviolet light. This creates something called “Oxidative Stress”, which then generates harmful “free radicals” – which are basically the bad guys that destroy the DNA in your cells.

But here’s the thing…

Within the macula is the macular pigment, whose job is to filter out, or kill off, these free radicals – preventing any damage to the macula itself, the retina, lens, cornea and optic nerve.

And the macular pigment is made up primarily of two crucial antioxidants.

And guess what they are…

Yep, you got it…

Lutein and Zeaxanthin!

That’s right, these good guys have always been there, IN YOUR EYES, and they have one purpose in life – to get rid of the toxic free radicals that build up in your eyes, attack your DNA cells and destroy your vision.

In short, your eyes need lutein and zeaxanthin like your lungs need oxygen.

Your eyes simply can’t function without them.

But get this…

The human body cannot synthesize lutein or zeaxanthin on its own.

The only way to get either of them is through food.

The problem is, according to the AREDS study, “most Americans only get 10% of the lutein and zeaxanthin they need.”

Which means you don’t have anywhere near enough of these nutrients in your macula to maintain your eyesight… and because the Standard American Diet is so short in these two eyesight protectors, your levels have actually been dwindling since childhood.

Vision You see, this is the REAL CAUSE of your vision loss.

It’s not close reading or computer use.

It’s not genetics.

And it’s not the aging process.

It’s free radical damage.

Your vision has been continually deteriorating because for decades, toxic free radicals have been left to wreak havoc on your macula, retina, lens, cornea, and even your optic nerve.

But don’t go out and gorge on spinach just yet.

Because that’s not even half the story – and not enough on its own to win the war against free radical damage and give you the crystal clear vision of your childhood.

You see, second on Bunji’s list of vision restorers was shellfish, which the Aborigines eat in abundance.

And as I discovered, this food contained something equally as beneficial to eye health – a primary structural component of the retina called DHA, which has been proven to improve eyesight and dramatically reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

According to a recent study that took place at the Centre for Eye Research at the University of Melbourne in Australia, high dietary intake of this nutrient was associated with a massive 38% reduction in the risk of AMD.

And there was more. Next

The recipe also included kangaroo meat, a staple in the Aboriginal diet for centuries.

Other Tips

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3 réflexions au sujet de « RA-Healthcare Medication Cures »

  • octobre 22, 2017 à 1:47

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  • octobre 23, 2017 à 6:13

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  • octobre 24, 2017 à 1:41

    Congratulations RA. May God continue to strengthen you for all you do. Great website with amazing features!


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