DR. CAROLINE HOTH, President/CEO of Remember Africa in an interview on the crisis in Cameroon -USA
Here’s below a very interesting, strong Encouraging Message from our Most Honorable President & CEO Dr. Caroline Hoth being interviewed as The President & CEO of RA Int’l Inc at highest USA’s Offices/Media/Press Places(with no Publicity) that we humbly posted in our Dr. Caroline Hoth’s Facebook pages to show Support to you all there! Read on:
“Cameroon’s Anglophone crisis is escalating. Here’s how it could be resolved…”Dr. Hoth…
“The Honorable President Paul Biya from Cameroon, that RA International Inc honored at The Prestigious Taverne on the Green Central Park, New York City in Year 2000, has the Power and the Necessary Love to FORGIVE and Regulate by STOPPING All the Madness and Confusion going on in his Lovely Nation by just COURAGEOUSLY bringing ALL his Children Together for more Communication with him at the Center of ALL Discussions. Be of Good Courage Our Honorable Man Of The Century Mr. President Biya! YES, YOU CAN & YOU WILL WITH MUCH LOVE FOR YOUR PEOPLE. YOU ARE A WISE FATHER FOR US ALL & A LEADER FOR PEACE & PROSPERITY SIR! YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR PEOPLE WANT AT THIS TIME- – – JUST DO IT & GOD WILL BLESS YOU MORE Honorable Man of The Century President Paul Biya!
Where there’s NO Vision, The People Perish! Stay Connected with NO Fear Father Paul! We Love You Mr. President Father Paul Biya at www.rememberafrica.us & www.ra-necom.com COURAGE & LOVE TO ALL CAMEROONIANS BY GENERATING MUCH LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER” Message from our Honorable President & CEO Dr. Caroline Hoth
Sent by
Jake Warner, Esq.
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Thanks Dr Hoth for that touching peace of advice to our father. We are all his children and as children we make demands to our father. The demands may be to heavy but as father you can moderate them. If some of us your children have wronged you forgive us and give us words of caution.
You are certainly right dear Atong.
Thank you Dr. Caroline Hoth, Permanent President & CEO of Remember Africa for always remembering Africa in a positive way. Our Father the President Paul Biya is just human like anyone. He needs more of our advice and encouragement to overcome this situation of children put on the table. I know he will definitely handle this situation with God’s support and all of yours all. Thanks once more
It would be cool if you can make a video about this on YouTube…