November 17th, 2017
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My Dear RA Inc’ Members & Friends,
It’s been a Very Long Journey that ends POWERFULLY Very Well as far as RA Inc and myself Dr. Caroline Hoth, PP & CEO, are concerned! Thanks to The Bad(s) and The Good(s) For all of You contribute to elevate US ALL through our Rules & Regulations & Bylaws of Life in our Prestigious RA Inc. Thanks To the Noble Men & Women of E-H-C-P-H with their Noble Most High Chairman Professor Roosevelt Luke Nicome and The Entire Highest College Members.
For a Man/Woman can only reap what He/She has sowed, especially I, Dr. Caroline Hoth today VICTORIOUS before the Ethical Electoral High College Of Professionalism & Humanism(EHCPH) with my Best Friend The Honorable Dr. Monroe Yale Mann, Esq and entire BOARD that I congratulate for their Humility and caring. I thank the EHCPH for their Equity and Justice For ALL.
I thank All those who stayed in Trust and prayers with me in Great Love, Testimonies and Vision on the end of troubling evil waters that justifying who we are as well as the means we use to claim Justice by stating that The end not only justifies the means, but also is better than any Beginning…
Thank you Honorable BOARD’ Chairman Dr. Monroe Yale Mann for deciding NOT to fight the High College’s Outcome. It means a LOT to me. Your Love always has been there to support and surrend me all the time. You are my Reference of all times…And I appreciate this as a Reminder of Who you’ve been for me and to me… I love you Always!
To All My Staff, Family, Supporters Members, Friends and Enemies if there’s any, I Love You All so very much. Therefore, I equally forgive you All who have only been planning to hurt me and to sabotage me with the Great Work that God sent me on Earth to get done…For I didn’t come to take away anything from anyone of you, because ALL has been already given to me… in the contrary, to give You more with LOVE All that has been given to me to share with you …
I promise you All by God’s Grace, that the work we have started is being accomplished no matter how much “Evil” you can try over RA Inc & Yourselves. It ‘s Already DONE ACCORDINGLY.
Just keep praying for US ALL with LOVE & Humility for more SUCCESS to be added in our Humanity that is perishing every second because of HATRED…. Keep Remembering our Good times Together in a positive mind of Great RA’s fantastic Souvenirs!
REMEMBER, HATRED HAS NO POWER OVER LOVE. NEVER HAD, NEVER WILL… Trust me when I say ALL is DONE…All is now accomplished through all our Presidential Decrees & Tools Communication That have already been addressed to you All concerning Our CASH DIVIDENDS & RA-ICC. QUOTAS MUST BE REACHED OUT BY US ALL. That’s THE LAW. You heard it All from BOARD, from PRESIDENCY & US ALL. Now you’re hearing it again from Our High College of Professionalism & Humanism(EHCPH).
Unfortunately, we have NOT been Productive of our Own Wealth in Your Africa Headquarters to dispose of our Own Dividends as we wish. And we have not been honoring deadlines of Press Release since last year 2016. So, We MUST Honor Our Main Negotiated Condition: Quotas’ requirements to UNBLOCK Our Money Quota’s Amount For CASH DIVIDENDS & RA-ICC.
Let’s get it DONE Guys and all will be just fine. There’s No other way. We MUST reach that Quota to bring in more People in need of our Services & Products for a Better LIFE For US ALL. Time’s up for “Garbage Talks & Insults, show us you are the Man or The Woman who can get things done Internationally with respect to all conditions” Let’s get results in Members’ NUMBERS in RA and finally benefit from this EVER UNIQUE Opportunity just like others have been rejoicing with Good Life.
Visit your Representation asap to make sure you are receiving your CASH Dividends’ email address that will Commit you to our Future and Current Payments as it’s getting scheduled for Everyone of You will have to contribute by working and volunteering through your RA to better improve your Future Cash Dividends. LIKE IT OR NOT. It’s EXECUTIVE BOARD & PRESIDENTIAL DECREE. You want Dividends, you will work for it and produce it every day the REST of your beautiful Life Ladies & Gentlemen of RA Inc… My Dearest Shareholders
Starting today, visit Your Local Representation and start lending a positive hand to your RA for more Productivity and FAST Services. Then your Representation will provide you with such Documentations for your current & future Cash Dividends & RA-ICC Payments methods. Trust me, we trust to stay in this as long as God wants us to. Not You or your Bad or Good Faith. But God’s WILL.
Thank you All for your IMMEDIATE Kind Obedience for the Goodness & Interests of all our Communities… Let’s be kind to one another to start rejoicing by UNSELFISHLY sharing with others…Delaying this will create more dilatory as you enjoy being so late but suddenly First online.
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