Mrs. President/CEO Hon. Dr. Caroline Hoth
Your re-election in office is the sign that RA Board and the World at large highly appreciates your leadership. The African Representation wishes to hereby convey its warmest congratulations for this well-deserved victory in your re-election as RA President/CEO.
Mrs. President, your previous terms did mean « Change and Love » for many Peoples around the Planet, and as concerns our Representation, we welcome and appreciate your recent developments in Cash dividends payments e.g India/Asia for RA-ICC/Cash Dividends etc, RA-Capitol Hill Invitation USA, IMF/WBG honor, World Community Funding Summit/Industrialization, Hi-Tech 5G Telecoms in progress, exchanges with world leaders like the British PM Theresa May for Farmers in the under-developed world, President Obama, President Trump; just to name a few.
You have always impressed us with your clear vision and ability to get the job done against all opposing forces. You have been an all time century example.
We are confident that your influence will continue to encourage our proud involvement in RA and its programs. At this time, we are supporting a lot because your teachings continue to duel in us.
I take this moment to thank RA Board Members under the great advise of the Chairman Dr. Monroe Yale Mann for this confidence in re-electing you to continue with your good deeds.
I wish you the best in this new term of office.
Where There Is No Vision, The People Perish
Elvis N.
RA African Representation