Congratulations on your fight to improve, restructure and heal Africa and its people. May God always bless you with more strength, wisdom courage and integrity in order to continue the accomplishment of your mission. Thank you for your continued support, which has been essential to the success of the efforts on behalf of Africa and its people. We will always remember your great actions and consideration throughout the world.

Mr. President, whether we want it or not, your unprecedented support, contributions, investments and attention to Africa and its people will always be recognized as one of the most successful accomplishments of all generations in the history of the world especially at this eve of the 21st century.

As you have understood Mr. President, the Global Civilization, in a manner befitting your position as President of this greatest of Nations, better than anyone else of your generation, and have done so with much great vision. There will be no globalisation without a complete integration of all Continents – especially Africa, and all the people of God. Thank you sir for remembering Africa.

You’re definitely an outstanding leader of our times with compassion, understanding and the will to do good. No doubt that this world has had very few leaders such as you, therefore should be very proud of you. We love you Mr. President. Thank you for being there for us.

Our thanks and sincere appreciations also go out to honorable congressman charles rangel for his dedication and outstanding work and loyal position on the current Africa trade legislation and other important issues of our time. Thank you honorable!

Our sincere thanks to your entire administration – especially the Press Secretary of State (Ms. Jena Roscoe) for nurturing us and our Communities with first class information on your efforts, decisions and accomplishments. Excellent work! Thank you for caring!

In closing, we would like to express our gratitude to all Members of the House of Representatives for understanding the needs of Africa and its people at this beginning of the new millennium and standing tall and proud to say: I do care. Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen!

We keep hope and the faith alive for the rest of accomplishments with the Senate and Other good Men and Women.

All the best of health, longetivity and success in all your endeavors, Mr. President, and the will to continue your magnificent mission. May God bless you and your Family.


Dr. Caroline Hoth
for rememberafrica.us 

PS: Please visit our new website during your recreation:
Thank You For Your Precious Time Mr.President.

Next: Action Plan Letter to the White House; August 4th, 1999

Next:Letter to the US Senators; August 9th, 1999.

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