After taking over office as President/CEO of RA Inc., Dr. Caroline Hoth’s very first major move was to work for the enactment of the AGOA Bill which was eventually tabled in Congress and then voted under the US Presidency of H.E Bill CLINTON and First Lady Hilary CLINTON. The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) that saw the light of day on the 18th of May 2000 thus ushering in a new lease of life in Americano-African Economic Relations on a win/win basis.
Our Objective
Our main objective is to provide, generate and develop means that bring durable development to the needy in Afro-American communities as well as minority groups in America and Africa through tax exemption exchanges, Initial Investments, Industrialization, Savings/Credit and more.

The Vision becomes more feasible today with the implantation of the African Head Office of Remember Africa Inc. in Cameroon through the foresightedness and determination of its President and Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Caroline HOTH. Cameroon, rightly considered as Africa in Miniature in terms of Human, Material and natural endeavors, will serve as a veritable springboard for the fulfillment of the AGOA vision…
Successes have been registered already in many places with the lunching of the RA World Community Funding Summit Summit in 2015 in Africa, USA and other representations around the world. These Summits saw the light of day with many projects coming in for RA Financing
RA-AGOA Funding Policy
Like any other thing, RA provide Funding Equal Opportunity Eligible Policy that must be respected by anyone who becomes interested in RA-AGOA/Industrialization Opportunities. Download the RA Community Funding Policy .
For more information about RA World Community Funding Summit 2015
To Register in RA-AGOA-USA, Click Here AGOA Registration Form
To Become a Member of RA, Click Here Membership Registration Form
Honorable Dr. Caroline Hoth’s Journey towards the success of AGOA
To Register, Download the Forms below, fill out all required information, attach and send to the addresses info@rememberafrica.us and necom.hitech@yahoo.com.
Where There Is No Vision, The People Perish
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