RA Healthcare

Brief History of our Healthcare Dept.

The Healthcare department of Remember Africa was born in 1994 in the USA and this department has grown from then to today with many innovations and brand new medications used for the treatment and the curing of diseases with many testimonies. From one medication; The Metabolic Immune System right in the past, today we are proud to have more than four different medications all made from nature, 100% compatible; with no sight effects. In Africa, this RA USA 501C3 Humanitarian Healthcare program was launched on June 26th, 2012 in Yaoundé-Cameroon. Today, this is great department that is proud to stand for it results and the accomplishment on saving uncountable lives.

Our Concern

Our Concern is to bring good health for people across the world, especially in the under privilege communities in Africa, America, and Asia, in the Caribbean’s and in the East of Europe. Healthcare being one of the main objectives of Remember Africa, Remember Africa is seriously implicated in all questions about Health and through diseases such as cancers that are becoming public affairs in most countries today, HIV/AIDS, Ebola and terminal diseases around the world. In this line, the RA team of research known as R.2H.R.L.G (Remember Africa Healing Healthcare Research Laboratory Group) has been fighting since the years 1994 till today, we are very proud of all our results around the world especially in Africa.

The department is composed of two chambers

1) The Research Team; located in USA New York 5073 Port Chester; The Research Team is in charge of conceiving our medications from formulas, to design and put in place all our medication. This team is led by Dr. Caroline Hoth, a great Doctor passionate by research and creativity for the human cause and also the President/CEO of RA INC.
2) The Application Team; These Teams are present all round our Representations in the world. This is where the medications are used for treatment after all the confirmation from testing and manufacturing processes by the Research Team. Today, this team led by a Deputy No 1 in charge of Healthcare, under the supervision of Dr. Caroline Hoth.

WHo is qualified for RA Healthcare USA? 
RA-HEALTHCARE-USA is opened to all the people of the world with no discrimination of sex, gender, color of social class. We are concerned with mankind which is our target and our reason of existing. We are opened every day from Monday up to Saturday, from 7:30 AM up to 10:00 AM in the morning and as from 2:30 PM up to 5:30 PM in the evening in all our Representations. Our office phones are opened for you 24/7/365.

Do you want to consult?
We request a medical test of your present health situation from any renouned hospital, an RA-patient file to fill and sign from our Office or download RA Healthcare Form1USD for members and 10USD for non-members. This process must be completed 24 hours before the day of consultation either in the RA’s closest office or online. For online Consultation, you have to scan all the requested documents and submit to the email address info@rememberafrica.us

Outstanding Testimonies
RA Healthcare department has registered outstanding testimonies much of which have not been permitted by the patients to be disclosed. Click here for more.

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