In all times Wisdom, Intelligence and Education have been the sources of mystery of God’s Creation and Kings’ Success in running their kingdoms. Today, that concept has not changed and will ever change. Wisdom & Intelligence are part of God’s Creation. You should pray that they should be part of you. They have been the invaluable foundation of the greatest kingdoms of King David, his son Salomon and all great men and women.
When King Salomon was compelled to take over his father King David, He thought he was too young, but he knew he has to make some choices. Because being too young would not exempt you from serving God through the people. He called upon God and asked for Wisdom, Intelligence and Education on the right and wrong. His choices were so good and powerful that they moved God and brought The Heavenly Father to provide him with ALL attachments linked to his request.
And He became not only the wisest man, but also the richest and sharpest King the World’s ever known. Education and the search of Wisdom & Intelligence are a continued process of learning every single day through every person or experience we encounter in life. Listen to difficult answers; ask unpopular questions; attend seminary and conferences are part of that process.
Together in Partnership and Collaboration, we can help our young people to make the right choices, right decisions with no prejudice or premature conclusions…But understanding that forgiveness, tolerance and third chances will help and avoid damaging circumstances. This partnership will not only restore our past and present, but also will contribute to build a better legacy for the New Millennium. NONE of us can succeed without making mistakes. However, the mistakes will be less repeated when we have guidelines and guardian angels like you. We should always remember to leave this World better than you and I have found it.
Education is definitely the key that will help you to open a lot of doors. To break all barriers and put you on line of competitiveness and efficiency with No Prejudice. If you can dream it, learn it, conceive it, then you can express it with more Intelligence and Wisdom. However, all this requires hard work, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-control, self-motivation, and self-discipline. It brings you to know yourself, to cogito and to be the Master of the art of self-Acceptance and Simulation. The choice of Education, Wisdom and Intelligence has NO COLOR or DISCRIMINATION. (I haven’t met yet or know any one who hates a wise, intelligent or educated person). The more Education you receive the more freedom you earn. And your way to SUCCESS is guaranteed.
Success is too much pressure. Yet, it is a tremendous excitement! Whether you want it or not, you are in the game of life. And winning is the only attitude that should be your option. NO Alternative! We’re all by essence born Winners. Because, we all potentially intelligent. Nevertheless, we all need to train ourselves to the extent to be courageous and responsible, with an attitude of personal optimism, morality and enthusiasm.
However, SUCCESS requires a lot of COURAGE, RESPONSIBILITY and PERSEVERANCE. Although, “these days, notices Mr. Graham, we don’t see much daring” People want a guaranteed Life. They want to play it safe in business, politics, Religious, … We are more and more ostriches, than lions or eagles…
During World War II, Germans imprisoned a Polish Catholic called John Damski. Some how he managed to escape. Instead of enjoying his freedom with discretion, he offered to work with the Resistance helping the Jew peoples flee Nazism. Three more times, this guy was arrested. And each time he escaped he would return to his rescue efforts. Forty seven year later in 1989, Israel did recognized John Damski’s Courage and bravery with the Righteous Award for Heroes of the Holocaust.
I personally can testify that life is a self-fulfilling prophecy, that we usually gets what we have actively expected or worked for. Play your role; take responsibility; pray for strength and wisdom; recognize your Uniqueness and listen to your deepest, most intimate feelings to achieve your own High Standards. For I am the Lord Your Father. When you pass through the water, I will be with you; in the river you shall not drown. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned; the flames will not consume you. Isaiah 43:2
There is a French proverb that says” Devant le doute, abstients toi” means: “ Whenever you face doubt, abstain yourself from…”
As a teenager, I love using this proverb a lot. It would help me to get away with so many things, I wasn’t sure I was ready for; especially complicated relationship with men. You know, it’s so difficult to be young and not to enjoy what every one conceives as good life.
But as I previously mentioned, Life is a choice. So is Abstinence. A choice that gives you a chance to stop and think about what you believe is right or not, when you’re still undecided about any situation. Last month in Virginia, we were all amazed to witness on tape and on personal testimony, how Teens and other young people could abstain themselves from any sexual relationship before they find the right person or marriage.
FIRST LOVE IS VERY IMPORTANT. Because Love is rightful, noble and sacred, it should not be taken for granted or considered casual. And the person’s first love is one of the 100% conductivity of Love Life “
It doesn’t matter the beloved is black, white or yellow … you make a spark of great power. Therefore, first Love should be experienced very careful”WITH NO DISAPPOINTMENT OF STD, UNDESIRED PREGNANCY, ETC… However, there are other forms of abstinence that can also influence right choices and have a great impact
in our life.
We should applaud and congratulate people who can cope without drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. As we know that for some people it’s the hardest thing to do. Especially, when adversity, challenges and pressures are building up next to you. Abstinence should be encouraged among people in general and particularly young people as one of the right choices of good character when confronted by very scary and confusing situations. It helps you “think about things, pray and resume; but more importantly you will understand how worthy you truly are.
It doesn’t matter how intelligent you are. If you do not admire hard work and perseverance, you will remain a weak and lazy human being. Abstaining yourself from laziness prevents you from being a parasite, and creates more independence and positive self-dimension. You become aware of the importance of Time; appreciate Opportunities and plan the future and live as fully as possible.
Be a leader. A good servant is a great Leader. A leader is a clearly defined servant who live more for the sake of others than for himself. He invest more of himself to fulfill the greatness of goal and the promise of the future. See yourself in a fully developed perspective that you completely become part of the “ big picture of life. Be aware of the tremendous challenges of the goals you have to serve for. Be a winner with an overall attitude of personal altruism, optimism, enthusiasm, self-expectancy and positive self-projection. Be unselfish without expecting a direct return from your investments, as you know a divine one have already been given to you.
Be bold and stand for what you believe is right, moral, ethical and necessary for the people; even though, you have to stand-alone. Do not worry, there’s always a spiritual, creative or physical power there for you when needed. “I was hard pressed and was falling, but the Lord helped me. My strength and my courage is my God”. Tune out fears and failure. And build the desire and passion to serve others for a better life, and achieve your goals with success and happiness. Value your time, friendship, uniqueness and opportunities. Always express your Gratitude.
However, Ladies and Gentlemen, making the right choices is a very, very hard job for young people left alone, even when they have all spelled out. That’s why I am so grateful and feel fortunate to have been given this opportunity created by the Washington Times Foundation to address you on this delicate issues that I myself as a young Lady experience every day. It’s very important to all work together at the grassroots for a better life.
On behalf of Remember Africa, I thank you, so much Ladies and Gentlemen, for your time, patience, consideration and your wonderful generosity… May God always bless you All. Questions…
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